In England when you want to remove a child from the school roll in order to home educate you need to go through the deregistration process. This involves writing to the headteacher or proprietor of the school. The relevant regulations are The Pupil Registration Regulations (England) 2006.
We have now written to the school requesting them to remove our children from the register. Our letter was based on the following which is provided from Education Otherwise website:
Your address
The Date
Head teacher's Name
Dear Head Teacher's Name
Re: Your Child's Name (date of birth)
After careful consideration I/we have decided to withdraw my/our daughter from school in order to take personal responsibility for her education. Please delete her name from the register in accordance with Education (Pupil Registration) Regulation 8(1)(d) 2006, as she is now receiving education otherwise than at school.
Please will you confirm receipt of this letter and inform us of the date that our daughter’s name was removed from the register.
Yours sincerely etc.
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